1. This Saturday, November 2, 5-8pm, Saccarappa Art Collective in Westbrook Maine ( https://www.facebook.com/SaccarappaArtCollective ) opens its new exhibit with a wine-and hors d'ouevres reception.
Forest Dance, 16x16" acrylic on canvas, by Mary Brooking 2013
I'll be exhibiting several of my paintings from my week in the Bigelow Mountains last month. All our regular members will be there with new work on the walls. Our guest artists are Charles Thompson, Francine Schrock and Laurie Proctor LeFebvre - all three paint the world they see around them in the form of landscape painting - as I do. I've seen the show going up, and it's exciting and colorful. We always have the most wonderful openings - if you're local I hope you can join us.
2. I'm taking orders now for my 2014 calendar!
It is 8x8", $15 + tax and shipping where applicable. If you want to order one, please leave a comment at the end of this post, or message me through http://www.marybrooking.com/ . Remember the holidays are coming! I had several people tell me last year that they gave my calendars as gifts.
3. If I ranked this list from biggest to smallest, this news item would be first: I'm opening a studio on Main Street! No photos yet, but I'll post some soon. For the first time in sixteen years, going to work will mean leaving my house! I'm over-the-moon excited about this amazing opportunity to become a presence in Westbrook's growing downtown. I move in on December 1. Is there gonna be a party? In time for holiday shopping?? With reduced prices on all original work??? And are my calendars gonna be on sale there???? Ya-baby!!!!
More on this later. Right now, it's Halloween, and I have one kid inviting a friend over to make costumes and have dinner before trick-or-treating, and the other one trying to convince me to let him go to a sleepover party. Fool life, remember? Celebrate safely, everyone.
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