Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bon Voyage

This week I'm saying farewell again, to an old friend who left a year ago for a better place. She was one of my oldest and dearest - someone I could call up and tell anything, and she'd laugh with me, or get mad at whoever had ticked me off, or tell me what crazy thing happened to her that was nearly as good - or as bad - as what happened to me. You know, one of those rare friends. And call her I did, often enough, because although we shared a dorm one year in college in another century, we spent most of our lives afterward living in different states. A year ago, breast cancer took her farther away than satellite technology can reach, but I still talk to her anyway.

Back in the day, she could have made phone yakking an Olympic event. She was a great talker, but one of the rare ones who's equally skilled at listening - and also one of the few people I've ever been able to talk to while painting.

This one, Coastline, came along during one of our conversations. a few years back. It's all about rolling waves and turbulence, the curvature of the earth that separates, but also holds us together, and fragile boundaries that never really manage to divide anything important. It's always been one of my favorites, and last week someone had the very good sense, in my humble opinion, to buy it. Now it's back in the studio for framing before heading out to its new home.

Bon voyage.

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