Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Like This

I've been doing more writing lately (not on my blog!), and paintings seem to be coming faster and easier concurrently, which is something I never foresaw. This is Lemonade Sky, 40 x 30". I resisted the notion that it was done for over a month, during which I turned my attention to lots of other projects. Today I signed it.

I wonder why creative work seems to benefit from the cross-pollination of disciplines? Can't answer the question, but the results make me happy!

Out In The Yard

This is my student, John's, painting of the view from my front yard on a recent almost- rainy afternoon.

"I've decided to make the road into a river," he informed me as we painted.

Given the weather, it was a natural decision!

Here's my more prosaic interpretation of the same scene.

Learning From Students

This past Monday my homeschooled student, John, came over for his art lesson. I use the word "lesson" loosely in this context; what John and I generally do in Studio Time is work on projects while yakking about art. If, at the same time, a few technical pointers are absorbed, so much the better.

Monday was a chilly, misty day. I was getting ready to teach basic facial proportions to my evening class, and thought John and I might experiment with self-portraits, but when I told him I'd recently bought some new slow-drying acrylics for plein-aire painting, he surprised me with his response.

"It isn't exactly raining right now," he said.

And he was right. A mad dash to the side yard ensued, and we spent the following hour painting views near the house.

I feel so blessed to benefit from the wisdom of children. And so glad I know John.